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Trouble viewing this site properly


Suggested Browsign - BEST (Mac users - Google Chrome or Safari); BETTER (PC users w/screen resolution of 1500px+ - Google Chrome); GOOD (PC users - Google Chrome); Bottoom-line: Internet Explorer doesn't play nice!




Trouble Viewing Videos When Usign Internet Explorer 9

Do not use Internet Explorer or...


Some Users have been receiving reports of viewers unable to view videos properly when usign Internet Explorer 9. Symptoms include (but are not limited to) hearing audio but not seeing video. Common causes include:

  • The viewer's machine uses Intel HD Graphics Adapters (Included in Most Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors)
  • The viewer's machine has a (now outdated) version of Adobe Flash installed (10.3 and below)

In most cases, a combination of fixes can be suggested to the user: