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We Are A 'Market Development Engine' That Connect People, Business and Government To The Global Green Economy™
(Site Sponsorship)

Welcome to the home page of... 

My Green Globe™ (Sponsorship)

Under Development




( Features:


.co is a recognizable and global doMain

-benefit- gives businesses and brands the chance to create a worldwide footprint.






900-1500 pages in each Sustainable Mind

-benefit- going deep & wide allows

YOU to get seen by Many







Most pages are GeoCoded

-benefit- people who search for 

something, find that something, 

in their area:

country, state, city








Two custom search windows

-benefit- people will not have to 

look very hard to uncover... what 

they are looking for, increased 

likelihood of discovering... YOU








Robust social media platform

-benefit- from every page, you 

have the ability to read later, 

post to hundreds of sites such 

as Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in 

and e-Mail.  

More importantly, what we display 

about... YOU








Globally Focused

-benefit- Mass deployment, aligned with focus means all eyes on... YOU








Reporting - coming!

-benefit- not only will you know 

you are being uncovered... but 

where, how Many and how

long are discovering... YOU








International - Our store 

along with web site has the 

ability to translate every page

and convert currency.

-benefit- people anywhere can 

better understand... YOU








Industry Specific

-benefit- solely focused on the "Sustainability Industry"








mobile optimized Truste HML5 Powered Geo Coded

Web Design by:
