Founder & CEO's Green Resume
Summary Bio:
Chris is considered in Many circles to be the green expert relative to global landscape, alternative capital sources, innovative financial structures, incentive based opportunities and connecting resources. Chris is or has been a co-founder, advisory board member, advisory committee member, founder, and a member of several prominent green associations and frequent contributor of green speaking engagements. Last, a published columnist and researcher/author of several white papers and research pieces related to the global green economy.
Organizational Involvement: (past and present)
Conferences | Speaking Engagements: **speaker/panelist
Research | Marketing | Publication
White Papers (researcher/author)
Disseminated information through hundreds of various sources relative to the global green economy, more specifically, opportunities inside of California's green economy. This globally focused, centralized hub of knowledge, research, information and know-how over the past several years has been gathered, filtered and placed inside of what is now My Green Globe™ (
B.S. Finance - Regis University
My purpose is to provide current, cutting edge, global information and connective services to those within the Sustainability Industry. My goal is to bridge the gap in communication and play Making ability between people, government and business with the hope of accelerating our capabilities of competing in this global race for leadership. Together we will build a more robust, sustainable, environmentally friendly, job creating, export driven, green economy.
Chris Kimmes