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Financing Forum
Simply connecting financial, human, physical and social sources of capital
Case Studies | Banks

Case Studies



Simply connecting financial, huMan, physical and social sources of capital

Case Study

Example Bank - ABC Investment Bank


Profile  this group is a late Majority, relatively innovative, late adopter, focused on high growth companies, companies looking to raise capital in the public or private Markets  


View on service  a forward thinking and very needed service which is instrumental to being able to underwrite deal flow, problem solving, a true value to the industry


Buying motives  ability to locate buyers of bonds they are selling on behalf of companies with an allocation; ability to connect companies Green Globe has relationship with to their service offering  


Application of service  this group would utilize Green Globe (to) or (as their):


      • PriMary source of information
      • Increase its pipeline
      • Increase visibility
      • Market opportunity
      • Understand new credit products
      • Lead generation
      • Access information and research, such as First Research
      • Part of their due diligence process
      • Insight and competitive intelligence
      • Facilitated Introductions
      • Industry Advocate


Case Study - (summarized example)


The Case:

ABC Investment Bank is a boutique investment bank focused on the bond Markets.  They have a client who is looking to raise capital to purchase a piece of commercial real estate for their operations.  GGLLC (Green Globe, LLC) has agreed to assist ABC Investment Bank and their client by uncovering programs such as bond and tax credits they May not know exist.  Already being familiar with the programs and the government entities who run GGLLC will be able to filter then expedite the process while Marketing  the position of ABC's client.  


The Plan:

GGLLC will assign a MDO (Market Development Officer) specializing in this space  to assist the bank navigate through opportunities while enhancing their value and overall Market position.  ABC will become a sponsor to Green Globe Financing Forum™ more>> where they will be exposes to opportunity (live or video conference).  Due to ABC's Sponsorship, their client is added as a Member autoMatically at no cost.  GGLLC will facilitate any introductions that May be appropriate while at the forum. ABC and their client will be placed on The Green Minute™ more>> and throughout My Green Globe more>> (global information portal) and gain access to 1 or all 8 Sustainable Minds more>> (included while consulting).



Live case studies and their results will be posted as we take flight and secure of first pieces of business.

What's Next?

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Thank you

Green Globe, LLC


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"Very professional group of people. I learned a lot and Made some great new contacts. This is more than I expected from a forum of this nature."


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"It was refreshing to have such a friendly and inforMal networking get together."


Tim Barnes - Silicon Valley Bank


"An excellent job of bringing together people with diverse backgrounds and disciplines in a very forward-thinking delegation. Job well done!"




"Everything was great. I especially enjoyed the presentation by Mark Levinson, Chris Kimmes and Bill Beal.  Wonderful and very informative! Thank you to all the organizers!"




"I think this will be a very powerful group. Your doing a great job!"


Dwight Strole - Phoenix Motorcars


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