![]() Financing Forum |
Government/Non Profit Simply connecting financial, huMan, physical and social sources of capital
Example Government/Non Profit - CARB
(California Air Resource Board)
Case Study - (summarized example)
Profile - - This group provides infrastructure, limited access to capital and support with a goal of providing the industry a platform which it can interact.
View on Service - – an absolute necessity to bridge the gap that exists between the public and private sector. Having access to a centralized hub of information and resource that is easily accessed and navigated through, is extraordinary!
Buying Motives - – The ability to save time and resources, effectively accomplish their objectives and ability to cost effectively access information
Application of Services - this group would utilize Green Globe (to) or (as their):
Case study - hypothetical (summarized) – Air Resource Board is conducting a study where they will be creating a report focused on EV charging infrastructure. The report will be used along with the formation of a consortium with the purpose of getting the attention of the Governor of California.
The goal is to develop and execute a model which deploys an EV charging network throughout the state of California. ARB would hire Green Globe as a consultant, Green Globe would assign a “cluster specific” Market Development Officer, (MDO)… to co-author the report and act as the consortium’s Manager and play-Maker. Further, Green Globe would Market the report and the initiative throughout the state of California. Green Globe has created and has access to a data base containing nearly every company within California’s green economy, broken into 15 different industry clusters.
A media piece will be created and distributed through The Green Minute™ (included) and open access to "all 5 Sustainable Minds™" (included while consulting) giving them further exposure and access to current and ongoing connective information. Last, being aligned with Green Globe gives CARB an edge and increases the overall rate of success experienced within the program!!
* * fees to government and non profit entities are discounted, sponsorship of The Green Minute™ & Green Globe Financing Forum™ are also given consideration.
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Green Globe, LLC
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