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STEP 2 - Discover... go back<<





Our (8) Sustainable Minds™

Entry Points - The site, (mygreenglobe.co) has 5 entry points, each containing a portal that uncovers access to content specific to and crafted for that group. Those groups are:

1-) Just 4... "People" 

mygreenglobe.co/Just4People           Under Development


The purpose is to provide 'People' with the information, outreach and education that they need and deserve. The goal is to shape behavior and decision making abilities and outcomes.



2-) Just 4... "Business"           Available, while under construction 



The purpose is to provide 'Businesses' with the information, knowledge, know-how and connective resources that they need. The goal is to assist fast-track the ability of turning individual projects into fruition.



3-) Just 4... "Local Governments"  

mygreenglobe.co/Just4LocalGovernments           Under Development


The purpose is to provide 'Local Governments' a centralized source of 'state level' information and opportunity. The goal is to bridge the gap in public/private & state/local efforts, which support business incubation, expansion and retention. In addition to providing cities with information and opportunity from the state.



4-) Just 4... "State Governments"

mygreenglobe.co/Just4StateGovernments           Under Development


The purpose is to provide 'State Governments' a centralized source of 'federal level' information and opportunity. The goal is to streamline the ability of each state to successfully apply for and receive Federal stimulus opportunity.



5-) Just 4... "Global Governments"  

mygreenglobe.co/Just4GlobalGovernments           Under Development


The purpose is to provide a 'globally focused', 'centralized hub' of information, which sets the landscape relative to the global green economy and creates an awareness of each others position.  The goal is to create a unified understanding, then a sense of urgency behind this global movement.








My Green Hub™ - is a separate knowledge base which contains 3 more Sustainable Minds™ :



1-) My Green Hub™ (Companies) Under Development is (1 of 3) data sets contained within My Green Hub™


Focused on...

companies, their value chains, advancements, stock indexes, stimulus recipients and contacts hyper defined by (8 digit green SIC codes).



2-) My Green Hub™ (Government) Under Development is (2 of 3) data sets contained within My Green Hub™

Focused on...

ncentives, programs, grants, rebates, tax credits, advancements and competitiveness, initiatives and contacts hyper defined by (8 digit green SIC codes).



3-) My Green Hub™ (Capital) Under Development is (3 of 3) data sets contained within My Green Hub™

Focused on...

global, public and private capital sources, financial structures, deals and contacts, hyper defined by (8 digit green SIC codes). 



(select your group)

STEP 3 - Connect... go there>>